The economic impact of digital accessibility on companies

© Markus Spiske (Unsplash)

Digital accessibility is the right thing to do. It is important that at the beginning of any conversation on this topic, this is never a doubt. It is a fundamental right enshrined in essential documents that we have as a reference in the society in which we live. Documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union or more specifically in Portugal, the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, expressly mention the importance of equal opportunities for all people, regardless of their characteristics.

However, it is also important not to forget the economic side of the issue. Accessibility can also have a very positive economic impact on companies’ businesses. When we talk about digital accessibility, when it comes to companies, we are also talking about money. Yes. Money, dough, coins, cash, funds, pennies, wealth, liquidity, profit or any other name you want to use to describe it. It is very important for companies to understand this. It is even more important that those who manage companies realize this. It is also a management error to look at accessibility only as a cost or a legal obligation. Looking at digital accessibility as an investment can bring pleasant surprises to businesses.


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